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Helping Healthcare Workers Every Day: Jelen Calletor

May 17, 2022

Thinking about joining a healthcare staffing agency but unsure how you will get shifts? Carecor proudly serves over 90 healthcare facilities Ontario, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island where your opportunities are endless.   

We asked some of our staffing coordinators to share what its like behind the scenes. Jelen Calletor shares her insights about teamwork and how she builds strong relationships with our healthcare workers every day.  


Q: Did you have a background in healthcare before you started with Carecor?  

A: No, not at all. I was working as a scheduler — a supervisor at a spa downtown. So I was scheduling as well as working with the staff. It was similar to what I’m doing now in a way.  


Q: Why do you enjoy being a healthcare staffing coordinator?   

A: It’s really the people. I love helping the health care staff and getting to know each one of them and their personalities and preferences. You get to know their lives.  


Q: Why is your job important to the Carecor healthcare workers? 

A: The health care workers need to get work and get the shifts they need. They all have their commitments, and so it’s important for me to get to know them a little bit. I’m their main point of contact, so we have to have good communication. Instead of just sending them a text or email, I actually call them one by one because I know what will work best with their schedules. I know when they have school and I know if they prefer night shifts because their partners are working during the day. 


Q: Do you feel like you’re building relationships with the healthcare workers?  

A: We really build up trust. They’re not worried about whether they’ll get shifts next week or next month, and they know I’ll do my best to get them the shifts they need. And it’s a two-way street. I know they’ll be reliable and get where they need to be and do a great job with the patients and the units. The communication is great, and that helps us both as well as the units.  


Q: Is there a staffing situation with a caregiver that you’re especially proud of, a story you could share?  

A: Yes, there was just one recently — a personal support worker had some concerns and didn’t want to return to a unit, and I found a way to help her transfer to another hospital. That was really important to her and she was so thankful and appreciative.  


Q: When did you come home from work bursting with stories and feeling enthusiastic and excited? What was it about? 

A: Yes, definitely. I know it probably it probably sounds corny sometimes, but I get excited when I know that I was able to help them out.  


Q: What does your best day at work look like for you? 

A: Well, aside from helping the workers and units, it’s nice when they call or email thanking me personally. It’s really sweet, and I feel like we have a good connection. I appreciate that so much. I love feeling like I’m contributing something good every day. It’s so satisfying.  

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